
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry & visual art

"Apogee is a literary journal specializing in art and literature that engage with issues of identity politics: race, gender, sexuality, class, and hyphenated identities. We currently produce a biannual issue featuring fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art. Our goal is to publish exciting work that interrogates the status quo, providing a platform for unheard voices, including emerging writers of color.

The word “apogee” denotes the point in an object’s orbit that is farthest from the center. Our mission combines literary aesthetic with political activism. We believe that by elevating underrepresented literary voices we can effect real change: change in readers’ attitudes, change in writers’ positions in literature, and broader change in society."

Available issues (click to explore):

APOGEE: Issue 7
APOGEE: Issue 6
APOGEE: Issue 5
APOGEE: Issue 3
APOGEE: Issue 2
APOGEE: Issue 1