BOMB Magazine

Interviews, essays, literature & portfolios

BOMB Magazine has been publishing conversations between artists of all disciplines since 1981. BOMB's founders—New York City based artists and writers—created BOMB because they saw a disparity between the way artists talked about their work among themselves and the way critics described it.

Today, BOMB is a multi-media publishing house that creates, disseminates, and preserves artist-generated content from interviews to artists' essays to new literature. BOMB includes a quarterly print magazine, a daily online publication, and a digital archive of its previously published content from 1981 onward.

Available issues (click to explore):

BOMB: Issue 143
BOMB: Issue 140
BOMB: Issue 139
BOMB: Issue 138
BOMB: Issue 137
BOMB: Issue 136
BOMB: Issue 135
BOMB: Issue 134
BOMB: Issue 133
BOMB: Issue 132
BOMB: Issue 131
BOMB: Issue 130
BOMB: Issue 129
BOMB: Issue 128
BOMB: Issue 127