Our interview series Thick Skin analyzes negative feedback from the author's perspective.


Episode XXXI

Tepid fluid with Andrew Lipstein

Episode XXIX

“Technically correct, I guess!” with Monica Heisey

Episode XXVII

“If he resents the hype, so do I” with Deepti Kapoor

Episode XXVI

“I rush the pain, in a way, I crave the sting” with Claudia Durastanti.

Episode XXIV

“A very empty take on the novel” with James Han Mattson.

Episode XIX

"I don't necessarily love that girl either" with Stephanie LaCava.

Episode XVIII

"An elephant, however good, is not a good warthog" with Sigrid Nunez.

Episode XIV

"You're freaking me out now" with Joe McGinniss Jr.

Episode XII

"Art can no longer successfully be the mirror it once was" with Thomas Christopher Greene.

Episode X

"We need a pain scale like the one in the ER" with Rebecca Makkai.

Episode VIII

"Some have called it the worst review of all time" with Porochista Khakpour.

Episode VI

The Two Darts with Clancy Martin.

Episode II

"I'm actually shocked by that comment!" with Michelle Gable.